Spanish police rescue 21 women from sexual exploitation with the help of EUROPOL
Time to read: 1 min
Time to read: 1 min
The Spanish National Police, with the help of EUROPOL, have rescued 21 women who had been sexually exploited in different provinces of Spain.
Most of the women came from Latin America. They had been lured to Spain with false promises and then forced into prostitution to pay off a debt of 7,000 euros.
The press release is dated 01.10.24, but the investigation must have taken considerable time and resources.
A criminal organisation was behind the exploitation. Some of the women were even sold to other traffickers for around 1,000 euros. Police arrested nine people in the provinces of Ourense, A Coruña, Burgos, Cuenca and Madrid.
The criminal group targeted women in vulnerable situations, offering them the chance to improve their lives in Spain. They provided travel documents, hotel reservations and instructions on how to present themselves as tourists at the border to avoid suspicion. Once in Spain, the women were forced to work in brothels in different provinces.
During the police operation, officers found several brothels controlled by the criminals. The women had to work all day and the criminals took 50% of their earnings. The group also sold some of the women to other traffickers.
The investigation began after the police received information about a possible trafficking victim. They soon uncovered the criminal network and freed the women. The operation ended with the arrest of nine people and the seizure of eight mobile phones, 2,895 euros and important documents.
This operation is part of the Spanish National Police's plan to combat human trafficking.
The public can report such crimes anonymously by calling 900 10 50 90 or sending an e-mail to trata@policia.es.
This article is based on information provided by the National Police of Spain (Policía Nacional de España).