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Spain's trade deficit falls by 34.4% in July 2024: A sign of strength in foreign trade

Author: Izidor Isakov



Time to read: 1 min

In July 2024, Spain saw a significant reduction in its trade deficit, which fell by an impressive 34.4% year-on-year to €3.214 billion

This comes as Spain's external sector continues to show resilience in the face of a complex international economic landscape. 

According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise, Spanish merchandise exports reached a record high in July, reaching €33.2 billion, up 9.3% year-on-year.

Export growth outpaces euro area peers

Spanish exports of goods grew faster in July than those of the euro area and the EU-27, which recorded year-on-year increases of 7.4% and 7.2% respectively. Spain's main export sectors showed robust growth, including:

  • Raw materials: +27.6% year on year
  • Food, beverages and tobacco: +14.4%
  • Durable consumer goods: +13.5%
  • Energy products: +13.1%

This growth in exports contributed to an increase in Spain's trade surplus with the EU, which rose to €2.192 billion

Since 2017, Spain has consistently maintained a trade surplus with the European Union, further highlighting its strong trading relationship with EU member states.

Strong performance in global markets

Outside the EU, Spanish exports also grew strongly, increasing by 14.9% year-on-year to non-EU destinations. 

Countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom and China proved to be important markets, with record export levels in July.

  • Exports to the UK increased despite the challenges posed by Brexit
  • Exports to the US and China grew by 5.5% and 6.5% respectively

Falling energy and non-energy deficits

Spain's energy deficit continued its downward trend, falling by 17.5% year on year to €2.159 bn

The decline in the non-energy deficit was even more remarkable, falling by 53.8% to just over EUR 1 bn

This reduction was largely driven by strong energy exports, in particular gas and oil, which grew by 13.1% year-on-year in July, the fourth consecutive month of double-digit growth.

Key findings

  • The trade deficit fell by 34.4%, pointing to Spain's improving trade balance.
  • Exports reached a record €33.2 billion, driven by raw materials, food and energy products.
  • The non-energy deficit fell by 53.8% and the energy deficit by 17.5%.
  • The trade surplus with the EU increased from €1.196 billion in July 2023 to €2.192 billion.

This steady growth shows Spain's robust economic position in foreign trade, reflecting its adaptability and strength in key global markets.

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