Abortion law and general conditions in Spain

Are Abortions Legal in Spain?

Author: Izidor Isakov



Time to read: 0 min

Yes, abortion is legal in Spain under certain conditions.

Abortion law and general conditions in Spain

According toย the most recent legislationย (Organic Law 1/2023), women in Spain have the right to voluntary abortion, with specific conditions depending on the stage of pregnancy:

Up to the 14th week of pregnancy

A woman may freely decide to terminate her pregnancy without additional conditions.

There is no longer a mandatory waiting or reflection period, and minors aged 16 and 17 can make the decision without parental consent.

After 14 weeks and up to 22 weeks

Abortions are permitted under certain conditions, such as serious risk to the mother's health or foetal abnormality.

After 22 weeks

Abortions are allowed only in cases of life-threatening conditions for the mother or the foetus.ย 

The law also ensures that public health services must provide access to abortion and guarantees equal access in the different regions of Spain (BOE-A-2022-6044)(BOE-A-2023-5364).

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