Spain - 194897 sq m 49M People

How big is Spain compared to the United States?

Author: Izidor Isakov



Time to read: 0 min

Spain has a land area of 194,897 square miles (504,782 square kilometers), which is approximately 20 times smaller than that of the United States, which covers 3,809,525 square miles (9,147,420 square kilometers).ย 

To provide context, the U.S. state of Texas (268,596 square miles) is 1.4 times larger than Spain. California, for instance, is somewhat smaller at 163,695 square miles, representing a land area that is 1.2 times smaller than that of Spain.ย 

How big is Spain compared to the United States?

Population and Density Comparison: Spain vs. USA

In terms of population, Spain has about 49 million people, while the U.S. has about 333 million. This means that Spain has a population density of about 251 people per square mile (97 people per square kilometer).ย 

In comparison, the U.S. has a lower population density of about 93 people per square mile (36 people per square kilometer) due to its vast size.

The population density in Spain is therefore 2.7 times higher.ย 

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